Anyone wanting more energy and the benefits of balanced body chemistry.
Anyone wanting more energy and the benefits of balanced body chemistry.
RBTI is the abbreviated term for Reams Biological Theory of Ionization. RBTI is a working explanation of biological life's fundamental ionic energy composition and function.
This theory was discovered, developed, and proven through the unique work of agronomist, biochemist, and mathematician Dr. Carey A. Reams, beginning in the 1930s.
These factors in the equation produce a pattern that shows whether or not your body chemistry has too much or not enough of the following:
Each number relates to the others in an integrated pattern. Any change in one number is a change in all numbers.
We prefer to start all of our clients off with biochemistry balancing. This enables us to evaluate the status of your internal terrain. Understanding the mathematical equation concerning how the body currently functions guides us in the next steps to supporting your health goals.
Once we support the body in aligning with more energy and better use of resources, it will be prepared for further achievements of health goals and considerations.
You cannot concentrate on any single number in the equation. The relationship of one number to another produces a pattern that makes a picture of the body chemistry.
With perfect body chemistry, all the minerals, vitamins, and enzymes are in the proper ratio within the body. This ratio allows your body to utilize the resources needed to create a healthy you.