Terms and Conditions

Important Reminders:

  1. If there is a need to cancel the appointment, it is your responsibility to notify us (including a request to reschedule) at least 24 hours before your scheduled session start time. You may cancel or reschedule any scheduled coaching session by calling our office at 252-423-0656, emailing us at OBXWellnessStudio@gmail.com, or through PracticeBetter.
  2. Arrive on time. We encourage you to arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled session time. We understand that issues can arise that may cause you to be late for a session. If you will be late to a session, inform us as early as possible so we can do what we can to accommodate you. Appointment times are reserved for each client, so oftentimes, we cannot exceed that reserved time slot without making the next client late. For this reason, when you arrive after the scheduled appointment time, this may result in a loss of time from your session. Full-service fees will be charged even when sessions are shortened due to your late arrival. To reciprocate your commitment, we will do our best to be on time, and if we cannot, we will add time to your scheduled session to make up for late arrival.
  3. We understand that emergencies can arise, and illnesses and bad weather occur at inopportune times. If you have a fever, a known infection, or have experienced vomiting or diarrhea within the 24 hours leading up to your scheduled session time, we request that you cancel/reschedule the session. Inclement weather may also result in the need for late cancellations. We will do our best to give advanced notice if we are closing or need to cancel due to bad weather, and we ask you to do the same. Please do not risk your own safety trying to make your appointment. Late cancellation due to emergency, illness, or inclement weather will generally not result in any missed session charges, and we reserve the right to determine this on a case-by-case basis.
  4. Canceling or missing a scheduled session without satisfying the 24-hour advance notice requirement can result in a significant cost and inconvenience to our operations. If you fail to cancel/reschedule your appointment in accordance with OBX Wellness Studio’s 24-hour cancellation policy, we may charge you the full cost of the session. 
  5. Due to the private and sensitive nature of the services, products, and experiences, OBX Wellness’s general rule is that no refunds will be provided after delivering any services, products, and experiences.